Now til February 9th, we will be collecting cans of soup, pasta, noodle bowls to be delivered to Eldercare of Tallahassee. Items can be placed in the giant soup can located in the Narthex.
The Big Red Bus Needs YOU! The Big Red Bus will be here: Watch For Future Date Invite your friends and neighbors... let's ALL do our part!!!
Hygiene Kit
Message from Susanne Korta ~ International Rescue Committee Liaison Today over 100 million people are displaced because of conflict, persecution, and crisis. And when a humanitarian crisis occurs, the International Rescue Committee is there to help. Amid disastrous situations, the IRC shines the light of hope. In over 50 countries and 29 US cities, the IRC helps displaced people survive, recover, and rebuild their lives. Our local chapter of the IRC fulfills this mission every day, as they work to restore the health, safety, education, and economic well being for their clients here in Tallahassee and surrounding areas. In fact, between the months of October and December, 193 people will arrive in Tallahassee for a fresh start. We on the Mission Committee wanted to find a tangible way to help local refugees, and the IRC is the natural choice. For the second year in a row, we have procured supplies and prepared 20 hygiene kits, which contain shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shaving cream, hairbrushes, and other necessities for up to four people. These kits will be one of the first items individuals and families receive, after living in refugee camps across the world, traveling for multiple days with no break, and arriving in Tallahassee, with few items of their own. Our new neighbors will finally be able to sit down and rest after so much travel and they will use these hygiene kits to clean themselves and their children, brush their own hair, and start to feel comfortable and confident as they settle into their new environment. Hygiene is a basic right that most of us take for granted. I’m proud to be a part of a congregation that provides this gift to people who have worked so very hard to get here.
Lafayette supports Second Harvest through donations and volunteer services
Crafts for Missions/Prayer Quilt Group
This group of caring ladies crafting handmade items for missions developed out of our Prayer Quilt Group. The Prayer Quilt program is currently inactive, but an occasional lap quilt or pieced pillow has been created. The Crafts for Missions group currently meets on the fourth Thursday of each month. They meet in our Christian Education Building at 1:30PM. The meetings are very informal and fellowship is a large part of the meetings. The group provides items for several different missions. The different missions are focused on in a rotating basis, depending on current need. New craft ideas and missions are always encouraged. Currently the group contributes to the following missions:
Operation Christian Child Shoe Boxes is one of our major missions. Some of the items that are crafted for the boxes include loom knitted hats, jewelry, crouched items of various types, jump ropes braided from T-shirt strips, sunglass cases, various toy animals, small skirts and shorts, and many other items.
To PSUSA Disaster Assistance the group sends flannel baby blankets, fleece baby and youth blankets, loom knitted hats, and various layette items.
Courage Through Cancer is a local mission and the group provides soft loomed knitted hats for chemo patients.
Little Dresses for Africa is a mission that sends simple but very cute dresses to under developed countries.
Westminster Oaks is a mission close to our hearts. Adult dinning scarves are provided to residents, especially in the Health Care Center.
Thornwell Children’s Home has been sent colorful pillow cases designated for children that come to Thornwell in a crisis situation.
The mission programs and opportunities we support include:
Dogwood Acres Presbytery Camp and Conference Center
E.C.H.O. (Emergency Care Help Organization)
Habitat for Humanity
UKirk Tallahassee (Presbyterian Campus Ministry at FSU)
Presbyterian Disaster Fund
Refuge House: homeless and/or those in need of shelter